Sunday, March 23, 2014

Healthy Marriage - My 1st Year Complete + Ten Tips

WOW! 1st year of marriage complete for Corye & I. It really flew by for us....they say things change and normally when you hear that it sounds like for the worse but I can confirm if you're both true to each other it's all for the better. I've had a year of spiritual growth and bonding. It's been fantastic I love this man more and more each day! SO in honor of our 1st year of marriage I decided to post 10 Helpful Relationship Tips <3

  • This may sound cliche but it is very important. Most disagreements are created by misunderstandings and miscommunications. So having clear communication with two people willing and eager to find a middle ground is key to squashing small quarrels before they get blown out of proportion. 

  • When you are wrong admit it and move on. Don't try to find ways to deflect the responsibility of your actions on to your partner. Admitting your faults is much better than pointing out your spouses. The truth is no one is perfect and sometimes our actions can have a negative effect on our spouse. When you hold yourself accountable you aren't just taking the blame you are being a responsible adult. 

Quality Time
  • Time passes us by and you don't want to look back and see all the time you spent apart. Life calls duty calls so time isn't always easy to be spent & sometimes by the time you get time perhaps you are just ready to go to bed. But the reality is you don't want to be passersby in a house, living two totally separate lives becoming strangers. Being friends, spending time & laughing together is vital in a long lasting relationship. MAKE the time for one another even if you have to schedule it. It's better than never hanging out.

  • No matter how long you two have been together continue to appreciate one another. Sometimes when people have something for a long time, they get use to it it's value decreases in their mind and you don't really pay it much attention anymore. This can also happen in your relationships. People can take people for granted and not even realize it. We all have one life to live and we never know when our time is up. Appreciate the person you decided to dedicate your life to. Tell him he is amazing tell her she is beautiful. When you think something nice about one another say it. It holds no value in the mind put it out into the universe. 

Don't Only Except
  • This is a rule for life but it also applies to marriage. Don't expect someone else but yourself to create your happiness allow your spouse to be an addition to your happiness but never allow anyone to be the sole reason you are happy. Love yourself [which is the only way anyone else can ever fully love you in the correct way you deserve to be loved anyway] Respect yourself, Cherish yourself. I don't say these things to tell you to be FULL of yourself but know exactly who you are and know that happiness and all things fulfilling do start within YOU.

Love Language
  • There's a book called "The Five Love Languages" Written By: Gary D Chapman it's a great read. Find out your spouses love language. It'll help your understand them more. Sometimes we look at things and get confused like why do they need this or why are they reacting like this. Im treating them the way I'd want to be treated but the truth is we are all different and desire different treatments. You can't just treat your spouse the way you'd want to be treated. You have to remember to treat them the way that THEY want to be treated. 

Swap the 7 Deadly Habits
  • This is something I seen a while back online The seven deadly habits consist of criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging, threatening, punishing, and bribing. Swap those habits with the seven caring habits they are supporting, encouraging, listening, accepting, trusting, respecting, and negotiating your differences.

  • Support your spouse in the things they set forth to accomplish. It can be minor or major but it is important to show your support and to be there for them and encourage them. Everyone wants to feel that they are doing something positive and worth it. Just a little support will make them feel just that. 

The Little Things
  • Don't for get about all the little things you did in the beginning. Sometimes it's not always the BIG productions that touch the heart of your spouse it's the little things that aren't always that important but are extremely thoughtful. 

"Don't Fall off"
  • Just because you are married or together for a long time doesn't give you a free pass to fall off. Keep yourself together and healthy. Who doesn't want to be the best they can be for someone they love. Hell who doesn't want to be the best they can be for themselves. Don't get complacent in your relationship and let yourself go. Age will come and we will all lose our youth so just stay in the best shape you can for yourself and the person you love.

"If you marry or commit to someone's potential you will end up with their reality."

Don't commit to what you believe that person can become commit to exactly who they are today. Who they are today must be enough for you because the reality is not everyone reaches their full potential and the truth is someone's full potential may not be what you expected anyway. 


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