Sunday, April 27, 2014

How To: Homemade Protein Treatment

Limp, Dry & Old lol..Yikes looking thirstaayyy

On my  Healthy Hair Journey I've learned so much about my natural hair that I wish I knew sooner. Protein Treatments are very important in strengthen your hair strands & keeping your hair structured properly. I would focus on making sure my hair was moisturized (in the beginning) failing to pay any attention to if my hair was getting the proper amount of protein it needed to thrive. The truth is you need a proper balance of protein and moisture you simply cannot have healthy strong hair if you are lacking either or.

Our hair is about 70% Keratin Protein by nature. Hair that breaks with very little tension or stretching is a sign of an overabundance of protein, and a deficiency of moisture. So you want to find and work with a healthy balance that works for your own hair. If your hair stretches more than normal then snaps you should add more protein in your hair routine. Or if your hair feels limp/flat you probably need to add more protein treatments into your regimen. If you hair feels dry/ brittle that is a moisture problem so add more moisture. The leave in mix I've written about previous will work great for that.

What My Protein Treatment Consists Of:

  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 2 Table Spoons Mayonnaise 
  • 2 Table Spoon Olive Oil
  • 2 Table Spoons Sunflower Oil

I call my method the QUAD-2 Method. It reminded me of how much of each product I need. Mix it up thoroughly so that the mixture has a good consistency.  Damp your hair and section it off into four sections. Apply a generous amount to each section coating the hair completely. I would start off using less so that you assure you have enough to cover your entire head and then go back through with whatever you have left. 

I cover my hair with a plastic bag/shower cap for about 20 minutes. Then I remove the cap and allow my hair to air dry. The mixture will dry on your hair leaving it stiff and hard. You do not want to comb or manipulate your hair when it is in this state.

Hair is covered with protein treatment mixture. The mixture has dried

After the mixture has completed dried on your hair you want to rinse your hair with warm/cool water. (avoid hot you don't want scrambled eggs in your hair lol) Rinse thoroughly until your hair feels like it is no longer coated. Next you will need to do a light shampoo (sulfate free shampoo) Wash you hair normally and assure their is no left over protein treatment mixture in your hair.

After Protein Treatment Mix is Rinsed Out & Hair is Shampooed
Hair is shiny and healthy.

For me my hair feel's lighter and softer after a protein treatment
I like to replenish my hair with moisture being that protein treatments can be drying to you hair (although necessary for your moisture protein balancing).. So I follow this process with my leave in conditioner process. For me after this treatment is completed my hair feel's lighter and softer. Pay attention to your hair to know exactly what it needs because our hair definitely speaks to us if we pay attention.

Any questions comment below or email

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chunky Twist Out - Results

 Chunky Twist Out 

On Dry Hair

This is one of my favorite styles!!! This requires no heat, no water & the curls are amazing!All you need is a comb and something to curl your ends I used bobby pins. I wasn't really combing my hair without water before. Although I still wont do it much I found out I was limiting myself on styles!!!
I did mine on dry hair following my bantu knot style. When I was over it. I Combed (bottom up) the bantu knot curls out and proceeded to section my hair in chunky sections. Be sure to section your hair in the direction you want your hair to lay. I chose a side part. It's really simple just two strand twist your hair you can do flat twists in the front for it to lay nicely. After I completed twisting I twirled the ends with my finger into a circle and held it with a bobby-pin. But I'm sure using some form of curler would be easiest.

They say second day hair is best!! lol & "They" are right!!! #FAINTS 

Here's a little shrinkage fun! <3 xo


If you'd like a How To on this look Just email me

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2 Quick & Easy Hairstyles To Fix Your Bad Hair Day

2 Quick & Easy Hairstyles for Natural Hair

Bad hair days are NEVER FUN...Here are two styles I've used if my hair has gotten limp and old to carry me through before wash day to to spruce it up! You don't have to limit these easy styles to your bad hair days you can do them whenever you'd like!
They are really simple and easy. 

You can turn your day look into a nice elegant up-do for a night on the town in easy as 1-2-3. 
Watch the video below for the simple how to tutorial! xo

Day Look

Night Look

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Forgiveness & It's Importance.

Day's ago I wrote this blog completed & perfected it. Today I came onto to my blog to publish the post and it was gone. I was so confused and I figured through my annoyance I'd make a lesson out of the situation for myself. Although it's not directly related to forgiveness it still is loosely related. I could choose to be upset and angry or I can make a choice here and now to let it go. Although I have no idea what has happened to the blog I choose not to beat myself up over it. All things happen for a reason and maybe God had better words for me to share instead. 

So someone hurt you & you can't quite seem to get over it. You feel like if you let it go you let them off the hook. Well I have some great news for you today. Forgiving someone doesn't let them off the hook it lets YOU off the hook. It's a freeing action that you can take here and now! Here are a few reasons that I want you to remember and think about on why forgiving is important vital for growth.

  • When you forgive other's it does not excuse their behavior nor does not mean what they did was ok. It just means you accept it for what it is and you have made a choice to not allow their actions to imprison you. You've made the choice to free yourself from the situation you were wronged in and to live happily despite the betrayal.

  • People tend to mistake the cycle of forgiveness for something it is not. A lot of times people don't forgive someone because they are not ready to have things go back to the way they use to be. But, one of the most important things you should know is there is a such thing as forgiveness without reconciliation. You do not have to accept this person back in your life you don't even have to inform them directly that you've forgiven them (Forgiveness should never be the reason you allow someone to repeatedly harm or disrespect you). This bit of information is important because sometimes we never get the chance to forgive people who may have hurt us who we no longer speak to or who have moved on to heaven etc. You can forgive them today no matter where they are.

  • It's good for your health. Stress, anger and bitterness can effect your physical health and cause illness. When you harbor in feelings that don't make you feel good. You are only hurting yourself and potentially making yourself sick. Release those negative vibes and feelings so you are able to live a happy life.

  • Some say apologize when you are ready. I say apologize when you aren't because chances are you will never be 100% ready to forgive someone for something they've done. But we do it anyway because we know it's the right thing to do. Don't attempt to wait until you are healed from the offense to forgive. Do it while you're still broken it's the fastest way to heal and move forward. If you wait for the pain to go away on it's own you may be waiting forever.

  • Sometimes we don't forgive because we want to "punish" people for whatever they have done ro us. But the truth is that is Gods job. It is not our Job to get people back or to go tit for tat with someone who has hurt us. It is our Job to be bigger than the issue and to trust God & if you trust Him he will handle it all in a way that is best for all parties involved. You are a forgiven person (Praise God) so you can most certainly be a forgiving person.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Bantu Knot Attempt - Results

Bantu Knot Attempt - Results

SOOOO I seen my little sister Melissa post her attempt at Bantu knots & it was super cute. I was compelled to try it out for myself. She has a different hair texture than me and more length so I knew my results would differ. But I was still curious how it would work out for me. I didn't watch a tutorial although I've seen some in the past. I just began twisting away. I also didn't do neat parts or anything as I figured they weren't important.

I did my Bantu Knots on dry hair. I was wearing my hair out curly and I just combed the curls out and wet my hands a little just to smooth each section out as I twisted. My hair was still basically dry it wasn't even't enough water on my hands to damp my hair just to smooth it out.

The next day I nervously & anxiously removed the bantu knots. Nervous & anxious because if they didn't turn out right I had no idea what I was going to do with my hair for the day haha...

I began to separate the bantu knots to make it fuller. I wanted it to be really big but I didn't want it to frizz up so I was careful. Also the I found I was right about the parts it not like you want them to be seen anyway

I liked it but I wished it was a little more stretched so I decided to pull it back into a ponytail and wear it out like this for the day.

I was happy with the final result in the ponytail. Later that day it was stretched out to my liking after holding it back into the pony tail. So I know for future references to pull it back for a little while and then let it fall. 

For this look I didn't have to use any product only water. If you do give it a try you can decide to use something to hold the curls.


For questions or requests email: JbeautyHealthyLife@Gmail.Com